Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Post Production

I experimented quite a lot with post production mainly on colours after I was happy with how the film was all cut together. As I used bright colours anyway I found tweaking the brightness and contrast slightly then increasing the saturation mildly made the film really vibrant and strong in colour and happier to watch.


So, I've really enjoyed this project and am in a way sad that this piece of work is over. This was my first film and I am in mixed emotions about how I found the experience. Looking at the final piece I am disappointing about the second half, it ended up rushed and lacked in lighting which I am putting down to a lack of experience. In the second half of the film it is hinted that the car crashes into the bike but this is maybe not that obvious to the viewer. On a more positive note I have progressed my skills with video hugely and find editting very natural now. Looking back at my research such as rules of attraction I feel the split screen I have used works effectively and it is interesting to see the screens change piece by piece, I particularly like the start where they change paths at the car. The colours worked beautifully. I feel I have produced good work with this piece.

Monday, 4 May 2009

Filming at Night

I would be filming the second half of my film at night mainly in the woods so a lack of light and equipment was a problem for me. I looked into how The Blair Witch project was filmed as this managed to create fear, mainly with the audio but the visual worked well too. The second half of my sound track has been made to create more tension than in the first half. The Blair Witch project used night vision, taken from the web page http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/gadgets/other-gadgets/nightvision.htm, I found this "Thermal imaging - This technology operates by capturing the upper portion of the infrared light spectrum, which is emitted as heat by objects instead of simply reflected as light. Hotter objects, such as warm bodies, emit more of this light than cooler objects like trees or buildings". So this is how it works, some bits use night vision other bits use a dim torch so you can't really see where she is going and creating tension and fear. Hopefully people won't remember the Paris Hilton Tape when watching this...